Friday, May 26, 2023

Snow - Dream

Realistic Dreams 12 March 2023 A dream about snow! ❄️ While it was actually snowing! As usual, I was sleeping all by myself in Red Bedroom (the love for the color RED never fades, lol). Little bit longer than usual. I was trying to catch up the Zzzzzs that I had lost during the weekdays. It’s Sunday, nothing pressing to rise early to attend to! Actually…this year, the weather was bit crazy! There was absolutely No Snow! I mean Zero Snow Year (even during peak winter). And, more over it was early Spring! The lawn had already turned green. Some of our Neighbors had already started mowing and all. The Bradford have bloomed in full swing! Daffodils 🌼 is just dazzling everywhere. So, there is absolutely no feelings of snow! But, however, the weather kept freezing 🥶 now and then. I went to bed(last night) with usual thoughts! Nothing strange had happened or anything! (Thankfully, lol). It must be almost morning! It’s a weird dream in English. Since, I grew up in India…most of my dreams are still kind of happen in Tamil (my mother tongue). Although, however..,I occasionally dream in English as well ( now and then, but it’s not that frequent). Of course…I live here! It’s almost two decades am out of my native land. All my conversations happen in English with locals (Americans); so it’s not uncommon!! Anyway… The dream unfurls like this: (though I don’t remember much of it, just the snow part is so very vivid). I am in a house. Kind of close/similar to paternal grandpa’s home, with open mutram (open space without a ceiling in middle of the large living area…quite old fashioned style in tropical homes, where the sun shines 365 days). I was playing with a girl (she could be my daughter , but I don’t have a feeling that she is mine in that dream, though). It’s started snowing - flurries, in fact to be specific…we kept trying to catch on & blow. A few minutes of flurries….slowly turned into a thick heavy snow ❄️ balls. It’s so realistically a touch and feel kind of snow. ( relatively - 5 snow balls together made into one). These were kind of thick robe (heavy white ropes…cut into snow chucks) falling off from sky. I cupped a few and smashed to feel the texture…it falls like powered white snow ❄️ Suddenly…my daughter….shook me off from my sleep. “Mommy Mommy, wake up, it’s snowing”! “Come on wake up…it’s snowing…in Spring”. “Can you believe it?” I woke up like “WHAT?” Did I actually dream what had just happened! A strange feeling sets in. There is no snow alerts or whatsoever in our app, this time. It was super crazy. I didn’t feel chilly or anything…to sense the snow, in this controlled atmosphere! Lol. I said to my daughter immediately, I had a snow ❄️ dream. She said…your body felt and sensed the actual snow outside. That’s so nice. ☺️

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